Friday, August 12, 2011


What a day!  Our bus took us up into the mountains where we could see Mozambique from Prince of Wales Drive.  He liked the view and so did we!  We toured the several economic neighborhoods and then headed back to Africa University via Christmas Pass where we stopped for pictures of Mutare below.  Once back at the University we met with the Vice Chancellor (President) and his Cabinet—the department heads of the educational system.  It was a most informative meeting as he shared the joys of their progress and challenges such as student and faculty housing, electricity and water concerns and, of course, adequate scholarship money to keep from having to send students desiring to learn back to their countries due to a lack of funds.  Africa University has students from 29 African nations and the University is now old enough to begin seeing the leadership graduates are demonstrating back in their home countries.
We then had a delightful lunch with the Vice Chancellor and the department heads, after which Marilyn and I split from the group and joined Ted and Shirley DeWolf at their lovely country home, built by Ted, near the University.   Shirley has been ill, but rose to the occasion and we had tea and crumpets and a tour of their home and land, including the new cottage into which they hope to move in a few weeks once Ted finishes up his carpenter work.  Their daughter and family also live in in the home.  Marilyn took great delight in photographing the grapefruit tree and many flowers, plants and trees, the names of which I did not even try to remember! (See foursome below) Ted then took us home so that we might prepare for the special dinner the Vice Chancellor is hosting at White Horse Restaurant.  It was a lovely evening.  Thank you God for these wonderful opportunities!  More to come!

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